Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The frenetic feeling of yesterday is slowly easing away. A good (although still too short) night's sleep and some necessary friend-based perspectives will do that. My friends run the spectrum from alarmed to intrigued to happy for me. I think I probably traverse the same emotions. :) But I don't feel so much like I'm impatiently coming unwound.

I'm still massively behind on sleep. Friday night, to bed at 3am, up at 9am. On Saturday night -- okay, Sunday morning starting at around 7am -- an hour of sleep here, an hour there until 11am. Then I took a loooong walk, most it singing at the top of my lungs -- which is really refreshing to do on an empty, scantily developed stretch of October roadway. Sad no one was there to here me though -- I was in really good form. ;) Took a short 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon before driving back here to Iowa City. Didn't go to sleep until after 1am (d'oh! what's wrong with me?). When I got home from work yesterday fully intended to sleep, but then got called back by a friend of mine. Multiple lengthy conversations with friends ensue back to back to back. Go to bed around 1am again. And then, oddly enough, wide awake a good 1/2 hour or more before my alarm this morning.

I feel more settled, more... comfortable with space and time and the unknown. To an extent. :P

Monday, October 20, 2008


What. A. Weekend.

I'm surprisingly alert and attentive and enthusiastic considering the hours and hours of dancing, drinking and debauchery of the past fews, coupled with the decided lack of rejuvenating sleep. Somewhere in my very near future is a blazing crash and burn into dreamlessness oblivion, I'm sure. The sleep debt may take days to repay, but by gawd was it worth it.

Looking back on the past 72 hours is like an exercise in recreating that fleeting dream envisioned in the blurry comfort of the gap between waking and sleeping -- unbelievably clear and etched in some places, opaque and smudged in others. But even the smudged places proffer an essence of contentment and you can't help but want to be back in the dream instead of your current reality. Alas, the moment slips effortlessly away and all we can do is take comfort in the memories. At least real life has some photos. :)

There are some definite highlights. Some of which like A.T.'s lighter saving the wedding ceremony are public, openly shared knowledge. Or walking with A.T. and his sisters down the road and up the banks of a wooded waterfall, cascading clear and crisp. There was one very trippy irish dance cross-handed spin on saturday night. And a seemingly very confused police officer looking for a Zack Schaeffer at a merry and mellow wedding party, and when out of earshot was summarily mocked by the delighted party-goers taking a smoke break ("I'm Zack Schaeffer!" "No, I'm Zack Schaeffer!" "Who the hell is Zack Schaeffer?!") And others are my private joys from the weekend, shared with a few at my own discretion. All seem to be on ceaseless rotation, bubbling slowly and randomly to the surface of my consciousness and making me smile.

It doesn't seem real. That it should have happened to me. And yet, within its boundaries and even in the emergence from its sometimes psycadelic haze... I find myself more confident and alive and optimistic.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Morning Orange Juice...

...makes me happy. That is all. As you were. :)

okay, well maybe not all. Considering it's Monday I woke all bright and shiny. I'm slowly ridding myself of farmer's tan arms -- I think. I'm using Neutrogena's "Build A Tan" lotion (twice so far) and my upper arms are looking more tan. Maybe. It could all be in my head -- can you placebo your vision?

I watched only part of the Packers game yesterday. They are now 3-3, after trashing the Seahawks on the road. Not doing as hot as I thought they'd do. Oh well. Bears and the lowly Lions (0-5) lost too. So the Bears fell to 3-3 and the Vikings improved to 3-3. Hmmm... sticky NFC North, as always. My good ol' Fennimore Eagles (wait... since when do I follow high school football? I didn't even follow high school football when I was in high school) continued their winning streak to 7-0. Two games left in the season.

And I got an email back from my professor friend. Turns out the return to Luther has made him nostalgic as well. For his former students. Like me! And would love to have lunch.

And ice cold morning orange juice is a small and wonderful joy. Did I say that already? It just doesn't taste the same at other times of day. I know, I know. It's all in my head, just like my tan. ;)

Me, Myself and Theology, Part 1.5

This isn't what I was going to blog about next, but I needed to share. There's been a pleasant surprise in my little theology world. I discovered last weekend that a former visiting professor at my alma mater is again teaching there. Joy! This is good news for a variety of reasons.

1. He should be a religion professor (East Asian Religions). All the time. After working at Luther, you'd have thought he'd be marketable, but he ended up teaching Mandarin Chinese at a prep school in Minnesota, and worried that it would tank his opportunities to ever teach college again. I'd love to see him teach full time in a college or university. Anywhere. Secretly, I wish the professor currently on leave (the same vacancy as his previous stint) would find another position elsewhere (as nearly the entire Religion department thought he would before) and they could hire this guy on full time. That would be, in a word, stunning. He'd be the first non-Christian professor they'd hired... but the perfect transition because

2. He's freaking awesome. Raised Lutheran, turned Buddhist and was even a Thai Buddhist monk for two week post doctoral thesis completion. He has an ease with students and makes learning other religions approachable and interesting. I spent many an hour in his tiny out-of-the-way-building basement office chatting. Other than my faculty adviser, I spent more time with this guy than any other professor.

3. He wanted to keep tabs on my theological future, deeming it to be bright. I told him I'd keep him informed. I nearly gave up keeping track of him, and with my paltry showing in grad school and as yet return, I conversation with him would be a wonderful shot in the arm. Not to mention that I could use it as an excuse to track down aforementioned adviser/friend. It's been too long since I've bent his ear, as well.

4. Oh who the hell cares?! I just want to see him! He's teaching at Luther again! Yay!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Me, myself, and theology, part 1

Theology and I took a mutual hiatus from one another. The church and I even more so. I occasionally spend my energies musing over the consequences and implications of this. Seems strange, coming from a once bible camp addict, campus ministries participant, religion major and pastoral-track M.Div candidate. I suppose in actuality I cannot attribute the blame, the entirety of my disillusionment, on my grad school institution, but with a bitter twinge of embedded resentment I do so.

The healing process is a long and winding one, a roadway littered with the remains of friends not forgotten but abandoned in callous self-preservation, the aching realization that I am not who I once was, the positive transformations partially obscured by the painful fretting over the negative ones. Dampened is my enthusiasm, my passions more difficultly piqued. I linger in the hopefulness of the contradictory moments, when my senses tingle and my intellect awakens and my whole being wants to bounce. They are there, frustratingly close and yet enduringly distant. I gaze at all the books on my shelf I that I want(ed) to read, should read, tell myself I am going to read... and there they sit, untouched, unloved, uninspiring.

The scars remain, deeply etched on some of the most sensitive, and sometimes darkest, recesses of my ego. I am a fighter and a survivor, an irate wild creature when cornered (if only slowly provoked in extreme circumstances). The physical collateral damage is not from the scrapping, but from the apathy and situational depression through which I floundered, mostly in what felt like absolute solitude. One of my weaknesses, a procrastinatory streak which nary existed when it came to academia in college, is ratcheted much higher and motivation quickly wanes in the face of educational undertakings. Is this a sign of my (lack of) call? Of a loss of a career goal? Or a "call" that I should not pursue what for years made incredibly fitting sense?

The return to grad school bug bit hard in Colorado, working for a university and getting involved with the evaluative process of the professors. But unfortunately it didn't provide the necessary force to kick my butt enough into motion to focus on my GRE (I started... but didn't fully commit and those books, too, still sit on my shelf, though more used than most). The deadlines suddenly loom large for next fall -- a month or two away and have yet to start my GRE processing again or my personal statements. [I wrote this, continued on with the post. After a pause, I take heart in knowing that jotting this down already stirred a flutter of motivation to go home and clean my room, to finally organize my desk and make it accessible, to move one halting step closer to actually doing something. I knew there was a reason returning to blogging sounded like a good idea...]

I've relied on my writing strengths for so long, and grad school challenged or critiqued them not, and thus I wonder if they're still sufficient, if my instincts still hold water, or if words flow through the mind of the reader like a sieve, draining away as quickly as they came, sticking to nothing with even the droplets evaporating into oblivion. I quail before the idea of diving back into the fray, worried about what is drained from my own memory and ability to be the student, my theologizing muscles perhaps atrophied from apathy and disuse.

I often ponder where my life is headed, if I shouldn't be content to let things move towards a less lofty goal. But the general work force bores me. Sure I can administrate efficiently, but there is usually far less for me to do than my hours warrant, and though the bills are getting paid, I feel twinged with guilt for spending so much time not working while on the clock. There I times I glimpse what could be -- how full and satisfying my days could be, my career any of a whole host of things. But here I sit, nowhere near grad school, three years out from my last schooling. Feeling a restless itch for something more, something different, something captivating even if challenging... and yet not acting on it.

And sometimes... well... there's a catalyst I'm hopeful for... but that's another post entirely. :)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Blurred Vision

There are those moments in life, those fleeting paragraphs in the ever-scrolling story where an opportunity, a dream comes into such clear, unfettered focus in the mind's eye as to be breathtaking. The vision of the potential future is magical in its clarity, convincing the heart to pursue with abandon this glittering, splendid mirage. "There is truth here. The vividness alone surely tells you this. Go on, this is your destiny. The fates are aligning. Surely you feel it?" the mind whispers to the fervent, eager, endlessly gullible heart. How can something so palpable, so life-like, accompanied with such surety, such boldness, not be real?

The imagination, now powered by the free-wheeling hopes of the heart, absorbs the one crystal dream and blazes forth, wild landscapes unfolding anew from the passion of potential, opulent and rich, tantalizing the very core emotions of our being. The newest layers of speculation are giddy and reckless, yet no less defined. The hopeful tangents spin and weave and dance at first only in the fancy, in the quiet moments set aside for random thoughts. But soon they are encroaching into daily consciousness, filling the pauses and gaps in concentration, making the nerves tingle and the heart smirk with mildly restrained enthusiasm.

And yet... insidious reality begins to creep in along the edges, smearing the pristine wonderment, the image fraying first in the finite details. The unknown, the mystery which originally fuels the untethered flight, weighted with time drags the roller coaster to its inevitable downward drift. In the peripheral vision the clarity is gone. The transition happens almost imperceptibly, but with unparalleled swiftness, for attempting to focus on the fuzzy edges, the core gem, the yearned after destination itself begins to fade. Once started, the vision blurs from the outside in, dampening the spirit. The heart falters in its cavorting, tripping on the previously invisible string of the "if only." Ironically, only a concrete event occurring in reality can kick start the flailing fantasy.

My heart is still convinced of the head's braggerty promises of destiny, but the hopes are proffered not now in statements, assertions and convictions, but in questions, tentative queries to the universe, beginning to sense the forthcoming disappointment nothing but a reality more poignant and fantastic than imagined can scatter.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ahhhh... October.

Again another short post... more to keep the blogging/journaling going then to say anything of real interest. Baby steps. They say it takes three weeks to start a habit, three days to break one. So. Habit-building we are doing, yes? :)

Anyway, it was a long yet all too short weekend. Full of football (lots of football), visiting the alma mater, picking apples in the rain -- a pleasantly soggy job, uncomfortably chilly at times, but had fresh hot (and cold) apple cider and apple pie to show for the efforts -- herding cats (rather successfully), political conversations with my parents, and other mild shenanigans.

I've also come to the conclusion that if I ever get to the point where I sit down and crank out some of the various topics left unorganized in my grey matter, it would create one massively incohesive and rather attention-killing post. So. To remedy the situation I've decided that I will write them probably as drafts in progress and post them on different days. Okay, so maybe I have some delusions of grandeur -- I don't really think anyone's reading this, but ever since wading into the prolific musings of DailyKos (and being humbled by the literary wit and provocative poetry of my blogspot peers), I'm inspired to once again put pen... err... keyboard to paper... errr.... the interwebs.

But... per usual, I'm awake later than I had hoped and well past the initial posturings of bed-going. I really should turn myself into a morning person.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

ummm... yeah

I have a lot of stuff rattling around in my head right now, and I probably should write a much longer post... but considering that I spend my entire day in front of a computer... and I have sleep debt... and... and...

This is going to be a short entry so that I can get back into the rhythm of writing regulary... regardless of it's in long tirades, rants or in-depth soul probing. :)

I am currently watching Jon Stewart, drinking a New Belgium 1554, and decompressing from the day and the VP debate (I am a political junkie these days, btw, if I didn't say that earlier...).

Should. go. to. bed. early. Blargh.

More tomorrow about shopping and politics and whatnot. Cheers!