Another year, another blogging attempt.
Hello, again, blog world.
My return to you as an outlet is directly proportional to the amount of free time and the amount of boredom accumulating in my life. It's been an entire year (or close enough) since my last entries. /Sigh/ All the missed opportunities.
For blogging, I mean. But in "real life," too, I suppose.
There are so many things to discuss from the final year. Graduate school classes ending, thesis still pending (grrr), moving back in with the parents, and worst/most of all, dealing with the chronic disease of diabetes, most likely Type 1.
I almost feel like I need several blog threads to keep all my thoughts in order. Religion and Theology musings, Dealing with my first year of diabetes, and other random chaos. But they are my threads, all my life, so perhaps the meanderings of one blog encompassing all those things isn't so disjointed.
Oh, the things I ponder.
So, blog world, let's try this again.
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