Monday, March 22, 2010

Last Full Week of March, pt 1

The windshield of my car was frosty this morning. It's been a couple of weeks since I'd had to worry about that, since this is my month sans garage. Hard to believe it's the last full week of March already! Only two weeks until Easter.

It was cooler yesterday than I think it was. After church I decided the day was so gorgeous I needed to get OUT. So I journeyed a short distance to Lake MacBride State Park and spent a few hours striding along the lake, occasionally taking pics of the Canada geese lazing just off shore. According to my iPod's pedometer, I did just under 10,000 steps (9,786) but I didn't turn it on until shortly onto the long trail, so it doesn't include my stroll on the beach, the wandering to the trail head for a map, or my jaunt along the nature trail loop. I easily did six miles total. And boy, are the backs of my knees telling me about it today. :) Totally worth it though. Gorgeous place, even with all the bare trees and still-dormant undergrowth.

As I strode along, I thought perhaps this place would be good to do a blog about, like a separate journal about the changes over the course of different visits, as I did about Melanaphy Springs for my environmental writing class in college. I did buy two journals at Barnes & Noble last I was there -- maybe a jaunt and then a journaling session? Possibly. As the light waxes longer into the evening, going up there after work for a couple of hours isn't out of the question.

A couple of other thoughts struck me as well. For the first time in ages and ages, I rather wanted a bike. The path was wide well-packed gravel, was five miles long one way and I thought "oooo, a bike would be cool." But I haven't been on a bike in years. Mom said I could have hers though, if I wanted one. Hmmm... ideas. Also I noted that I need to clean and condition and probably Nik wax my boots. I should do that soon if I want to get on a walking kick. Man, I love those boots! Thank you, REI!

I've been pondering walking to and from work on nice days too. It's a little better than three miles total, I think. Which on it's own doesn't daunt me. But I am most hesitant about the last mile or so - the last major intersection near work is not too pedestrian friendly. I'm not even sure there are crosswalks. And the last long stretch to work after that is almost entirely empty of sidewalks. Hmmm. But hey, I'd be walking six miles a day! Sure beats paying to join a gym. Of course, on wacky wet and weird weather days, I'd still drive. lol.


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