Motivation Fail
I need employment. Mostly because I need to get out of the house. That and I need something more to do than just school work, because even though there is plenty to do, I find myself putting it off because I can, and precious hours and days go by with nary a productive moment. Weekends especially. My grand scheme for the weekend became lots of internet and football watching.
Though this morning I did wake stuffed up, with the distinct impression I might be coming down with something. Oh joy, won't that make life easier? :P Though I will admit I'm in a slight (and I do mean slight) emotional funk, weighed down with the various who-has and whatnots already elaborated on previously. So, motivation fail. I need to stop rationalizing my procrastination and just get off my ass about the homework. And really, it's not even not getting done. Everything's getting done, but I had planned and intended to be a gunner this semester and get ahead of the ball, not just roll with the inevitable necessity of the deadlines.
Well, tomorrow is another day and I can try again.
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