Into the abyss
I've decided that where things are going. Into the abyss. First, since the move, I am positive there's a box of spices and other randomness still missing. But I can't think of anywhere it could still be. My parents efficiently shuffled the vast majority of my things out of the house, and granted though I haven't relooked thoroughly in the basement, it doesn't strike me as the type of contents I randomly overlooked while packing. Or that I wouldn't have found it while unpacking (nearly two months ago. One sixth through the lease. Which reminds me, I was going to ask roommate for the rent check so I could deposit it tomorrow so I could write the rent check Wednesday, but she hasn't come home yet tonight. Damn. Wonder where she is?)
But more troubling, I seem to be missing CDs. There are a couple of cds here and there I can see may have walked off during various stints at camp and whatnot, but I really can't imagine too many people wanting my random Seven Nations CDs, and I'm missing both my favorite one and their newest one (not newest as in the one they're planning to release soon, but Thanks for Waiting). Pooper scooper. I hate having to replace CDs. Although with the wonders of iTunes, doing so is a snap, but spending money on music has just never been one of those things I am quick to do. They're not in my massive CD case, which was my first assumption. They *may* be in my parent's car or stacked somewhere around their living room stereo system. I will have to undergo a search while I am home this weekend.
Speaking of music, I am totally in repetitive listening mode. I'll put a CD into the player in my car (yay for that... *side note: I purchased a new(er) car in April, with CD player, hence the reference to yayness). Although the CD player seems to have a similar problem to what my tape player in my old car had -- spontaneous shutting itself off after trying to play the media. Hmmm... is this a Nissan radio symptom?? Or do I carry around an automobile media poltergeist? It's just enough to be annoying but not enough to warrant making any changes...
But I digress. I'll put a CD in the car and listen to it for days and days. Just the handful of favorite songs on the disc, mostly, but occasionally the whole thing. Today, I thought I was finally ODed on the current CD, but after listening to a couple of others, briefly, had a strong urge to put it back in. *shrug* whatever. I probably need to make some iTunes discs so I can actually listen to most of my music in my car instead of being limited to my rather small CD collection.
But, whatever! Why I am staying up so late?! Grrr, I keep telling myself I'm going to go to bed earlier so I can actually get to work on time for a change. Blah. G'night!