fleeting thoughts of renewal
This blog has seen nothing but a slim and paltry existence due to severe abandonment (more than once!). I am hoping to slow its descent into complete oblivion by resurrecting it - to some extent - with a couple of new posts. Reading my friend's phenomenal posts always puts me in a more textual effervescent kind of mood... The goal is to see this blog as a nod to said friend - a challenge to myself to be as textually brilliant as possible - without trying harder than what escapes my mind. It will not be a place for the verbal abuse my other blog has seen, the "digestive pyrotechnics" of my emotions, to quote a favored movie line. Over the past couple of days I've been mulling myriad sequences and ribbons of possible posts. Most of which were concocted in the waning hours of sunlight while doing chores. Rather insightful and poetic pieces of whanot, if I do say so myself. The problem becomes retrieving them from the dark recesses of memory and time lapsed.
Later tonight (hopefully) will see the beginnings of a new era in journal-keeping... most likely to slowly fade into oblivion later in the summer. sorry.